Bringing BI upstream in the policy cycle


Shae Ffrench

Shae is an acting Senior Advisor leading BETA’s strategy and impact team. Shae has worked at BETA for three years, leading projects in areas including women’s economic security, career decision making, and protective health behaviours. She is passionate about the role of qualitative research in helping us develop a deep understanding of problems and design better solutions.

Aurore Chow

Aurore has led projects in safety and diversity in organisations, planning for later life and women’s workforce participation at BETA. Prior to working at BETA, she was a lecturer at the Australian National University.

Andrea Willis

Andrea is a Senior Advisor in BETA leading one of our project teams. Andrea is an experienced senior leader with deep behavioural science experience, having worked across the public and private sectors. Prior to joining BETA, Andrea worked for the Department of Communications & the Arts, Austrade, and various private sector organisations including Yahoo.

Andrei Turenko

Over the last six years at BETA, Andrei has managed large-scale evaluations, as well as qualitative and quantitative projects. Prior to joining BETA, Andrei wrangled data as Senior Intelligence Officer at the Australian Taxation Office.